Monday, June 24, 2013

I'm Not too Busy to Blog. I'm Not too Busy to Blog. I'm not too Busy to Blog.

Few things annoy me more than people who "I'm far too busy to blog." I think I've written a post about how much that annoys me. This especially annoys me because I have actually become too busy to blog. But that's going to change. I hope.

See, in March when I accepted the partnership at my office, things got really busy. Not just the added pressure of being responsible for my own, and about nine other people's paychecks, but work just got really busy. Every single night I brought work home. Every single weekend I worked. Often both days. And it sucked. And I knew it sucked. But now as things are kind of slowing down, I'm realizing just how awful it is to work that much.

Even if I only brought an hour of work home with me it would ruin my entire night. See, I wouldn't do that work until after Emi went to bed. But it would be on my mind the entire night. Ugh. I didn't realize just how awful it was until tonight, the first night in over three months, where I finally didn't need to bring something home.

Yes, my desk is full of work to do tomorrow. And tomorrow will probably be another stressful day. But for now, I'm not too busy to blog.

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