Monday, April 22, 2013

10 Things...

Here are ten things I'm not good at:

1. Soccer.  I don't even know the rules. Seems confusing.

2. Spending more than $200 in a day. Its really difficult for me to spend money. Don't get me wrong, I can drop money on groceries, a nice outfit for my daughter, or a nice dinner with my family, but when it comes to buying something that costs more than $200. I fret. I over analyze. I put myself through a huge guilt trip. And I generally don't purchase. I'm already mentally preparing for needing to buy a new vehicle in a few years.

3. Scrubbing the shower. I seriously lack this skill, but Tommy knows it and takes over this duty in the house. In fact, the way I get him to scrub the shower is to pretend I'm going to do it myself.

4. Keeping my dislike for something or somebody to myself. Perhaps this is why people are never confused as to whether I like them or not.

5. Parking. I can generally get my car between the lines, just not parallel to the lines. I'm beginning to think the lines are painted crooked at my office.

6. Being away from home. I love to travel except for when I actually do travel. Then I find that I really only like the idea of traveling, and I would much rather be at home.

7.  Listening to voicemail. That little red light causes me anxiety at the office. And my cell phone? Forget it. I never listen to those messages.

8. Filling up my car with gas before the gas light appears. I know it's bad on my car to drive it down to the scary stage of not even knowing whether you will make it to the station. But I do that. Every single time. On the bright side, I've never run out of gas.

9. Keeping blankets on the bed at night. Every morning I wake up with my comforter laying on the floor at the foot of my bed. I generally wake up cold, so it'd be nice to know just exactly how this is happening.

10. Thinking of the tenth item to post on my "Ten Things" lists.

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