The following conversation took place between me "D" and a potential client "PC" today:
D: Its my understanding you are looking for representation for a speeding ticket you received this week.
PC: Correct.
D: Who wrote you the ticket?
PC: A police officer.
D: No, I mean what jurisdiction wrote you the ticket?
PC: Oh, I don't know.
D: Well, where were you at when you got the ticket?
PC: Oh, I get it. A Polk County Sheriff wrote the ticket.
D: What was the posted speed limit?
PC: 35
D: What did he write the ticket for?
PC: 45
D: How fast were you going?
PC: Oh at least 55.
D: Is that what he clocked you at?
PC: Yah, and then he wrote it down to 45.
D: What is it that you believe your defense is?
PC: I just don't want to pay it.
D: Let me make sure I understand you correctly. You were going 20 over the speed limit. The officer kindly wrote you down ten miles per hour. And your only defense to the ticket is that you do not want to pay it?
PC: Well, I also didn't see the cop. Don't they have to be sitting in an obvious place if they are going to ticket you?
D: I don't think I can take you on as a client. Have a nice day.
Wow. I think that is all I can say.