Friday, May 27, 2011

Have You Ever Noticed.....

About once a month Tommy turns to me and says "Have you ever noticed that in America people do [insert activity]? Honey, you're American, tell me why they do that."

I always get excited when I hear Tommy start this statement because it is usually a funny observation. Some example of things Americans do that he questions:

- Have a second refrigerator for their garage
- Take "Glamour Shots" photos or other weird poses which include having your hand on your chin in the photo
- Send parents to retirement communities instead of with their children
- Have white people own or run Mexican, Indian, or Chinese Restaurants (Think On the Boarder or PF Changs).

1 comment:

  1. Jeff hates the nursing home thing..."what kind of children do these people have to put them in a home like that?" is something I hear a lot!
