Thursday, June 28, 2012

A Typical Day...

Do you remember back in January when I posted about my typical day? My my how things have changed:

630am- Wake up to Emi talking to her owls in her crib. Tommy gets Emi out of her crib and changes her while I run downstairs to get her bottle. Tommy and I sit and brag about how long she slept and how awesome she is. She is happiest in the mornings. She smiles and chats the most in the mornings! It's an awesome start to our day.
630 - 8am- Get ready for work. While getting ready I am constantly reciting everything in my head that I need to pack for Emi for the day. Make at least three trips out to the car for everything I'll need for the day. Trip 1 = purse and Emi's bag. Trip 2 = breakfast, briefcase, water, a few things I forgot to put in Emi's bag. Trip 3 = Emi.
830ish - Arrive to work somewhat impressed with myself that I have made it by this time as before I had Emi I would not have made it before 830.
830-5ish - Work. The whole time while I'm working I'm thinking about Emi. I'm missing her. I'm wondering if she is having a good day. I'm resisting the urge to call Sherry, my daycare lady, to find out how Emi is doing. I occasionally walk out of my office to tell my coworkers a story about Emi. They politely pretend like they are interested in the story.
530ish - After picking up Emi, and I make my way home. Tommy has been getting home around 6pm rather than closer to 7pm before she was born.
630pm - 8ish - We play with Emi.  I gush to my husband about how much I love her and how great I think she is. He listens with much excitement and reminds me of things I missed about her greatness. We play on her playmat, lay together on the couch if she is tired, rock in her rock and play, sometimes go for a walk.
 8-9ish - Usually Emi starts getting pretty tired around 8. Once she has her bottle then I'll bring her up to her room and read her a book while we rock in the chair. I turn on her mobile which makes ocean waves sounds. I put her pacifier in her mouth.  She takes it out with her left hand, stickers her right thunb in her mouth, rolls to her side, and falls asleep.
9-11ish - I finish any laundry, work I brought home or do some cleaning that needs to get done. I think about watching one of my recorded shows but then remember I am just not that interested in any longer.
11ish - Go to bed excited to do it all over again tomorrow.

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