Sunday, January 12, 2014

Nine Things...

1. The primary reason I did not put up outdoor Christmas lights because of my fear that they would still be up in the middle of January. Apparently this is something none of my neighbors care about..

2. Emi rolled her eyes at me yesterday for the first time. (It was over a discussion of going poop in the potty).

3. Speaking of pooping- I have started getting Emi interested in potty training. And yesterday, she pooped for the very first time in the potty bathtub! Ugh....

4. I loved my husband the most this week when he discovered the poop in the bathtub, and without hesitation, scooped it right out.

5. Today I asked Tommy if we should get Emi a full sized bed since there is no room in her toddler bed with everything she wants to take to bed to her. He responded "You could just tell her 'no'."

6. I hate my job but I generally like being an attorney.

7. Tommy got an Apple TV for Christmas. (Not like an actual tv, but the device- google it if still don't get it) and it might be the best thing ever.

8. Speaking of Apple, it is amazing how much Emi doesn't use her ipad after she got a table and chair for Christmas a long with some crayons, construction paper, playdough and some stickers. Or maybe it is because Tommy is always using it playing Candy Crush.

9. Have you gotten a new recyclable cup from Starbucks? It's the little things....

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