Friday, January 31, 2014

Nine Things...

1. Isn't it so annoying when you have a blog that you just love reading, and the writer fails to post for weeks!?! Ugh... and story of my blog!

2. Emi has been sick since last Sunday. I have brought her to the doctor twice. Which has resulted in two temperature readings, a few swings at the doctor,  and me getting yelled out by the doctor for not giving Emi a flu shot because she more than likely had the flu.

3. Emi did not have the flu. And it took everything I had not to yell at the doctor for sticking that q-tip up my kid's nose for no reason.

4. Emi turns 2 on Monday! Crazy, right?!

5. One of my biggest pet peeves is people announcing to groups of people a concept that they don't understand and certainly do not apply to their life. Ugh... Some people are SO annoying.

6. If I could do it over again, I would either be a stay-at-home mom, urgent care doctor or teacher. But really I only want to be a doctor when I feel broke or a teacher when it is summer. So I probably would be a stay-at-home mom.

7. I'm kind of surprised that I never became a county attorney. Never even tried.

8. I wish I'd get to writing my book already. That's the ticket to retirement! You're never too young to plan!

9. I've been feeling seriously old lately. People guess me for years beyond my age. I don't love it.

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