Sunday, September 18, 2011

Baby Girl Takekawa

If you have not heard already we are having a GIRL! After carrying this baby for several months and feeling the entire time (with the exception of about 8 hours) that it was a girl- it feels pretty good to finally know! Tommy, on the other hand, acts as if he just learned for the first time we are having a baby. Since our ultrasound and gender reveal things have become a lot more real for Tommy, and it is fun to see him enjoying the pregnancy now too.

Here is the photo reveal that the ultrasound tech put in the envelope that we opened Friday night:

While we were waiting for Tommy's parents to call us to open the envelope I studied the other pictures the tech had given us at our appointment. I saw one picture that looked like it could reveal what the gender was. I  quickly googled "20 week ultrasound boy versus girl" images and in thirty seconds determined that it was a girl. Not confident that my thirty second ultrasound tech class was a success, I announced to Tommy and my dad that I still thought it was a girl based on the picture. They looked at the google screen and told me not to quit my day job. As it turns out, I just taught myself to be an ultrasound tech in thirty seconds. In my opinion, the picture that the tech put in the envelope (above) is less indicative of gender than the one she left with the other pictures. She must have been having a bad day.

In celebration of the news, Tommy and I bought our daughter her first article of clothing: Jeggings!!

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