Friday, September 16, 2011

We're Having a Baby....

Today was the big day- our 20 week ultrasound. To be honest, I had a lot of anxiety going into this appointment. I suddenly regretted skipping my prenatal vitamin every few weeks. I regretted having caffeine. I regretted the Mike's Hard Lemonade I had drank BEFORE taking the pregnancy test. What had I done to my baby?!? As it turns out, the kid is pretty resilient. The ultrasound tech and doctor said everything was normal. I think it is perfect. I must say having this ultrasound today has turned me into a really proud mama! Yes, I am proud of my child for growing a spine, ten fingers, ten toes and four chambers in its heart. Does this mean that I'm going to be one of those annoying moms that is proud of my kid for the stupidest things? Probably Not. YES!!!!

Here are some pics from today's ultrasound. I apologize for the poor picture quality.

At this point, we haven't learned whether it is a boy or a girl. The information is contained in an envelope in my purse. We are waiting for Tommy's parents to get home and call us on Skype. We are going to open the envelope with them. As many of you know, I've been convinced the whole time that I'm having a girl. Suddenly sitting in the ultrasound today has me second guessing myself. I suddenly think its a boy. We will know in the next hour!

Last night, we were shopping at Costco. I became so confident last night that we are having a girl that I told Tommy if we have a boy we can decorate the nursery the way he wants it. This is what he wants to use to decorate:

Tommy likes LOVES Mickey Mouse. I first learned this about twelve weeks ago when he suggested that decor for the nursery. I was appalled by his suggestion. I mean, I love Mickey as much as the next person, but the whole room? This isn't the 1980s. I suddenly had visions that Mickey Mouse was the representation of America and that is what he remembers about coming to America. I was momentarily proud that we had an icon like Mickey Mouse to symbolize our nation to other countries. As it turns out, that has nothing to do with it. Apparently Disney World in Japan is far beyond the shabby Disney Land we have in the US of A. Ironically,  Mickey Mouse reminds him of one of his favorite childhood memory from Japan. Here's hoping he forgets that I told him he could decorate the nursery!! Stay tuned for the gender news!

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