Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Fall/Winter Projects

Most of you know that Tommy and I have now lived in our house a little over a year. We My parents were amazing at getting things done for the first six months we lived here. Suddenly March hit and we my mom was tired of doing projects. The weather was getting nice, work was getting busier, and it was decided we would not continue to spend every weekend working on the house.

Now that summer is over and that work is supposed to be less busy, I have made a list of ten projects I would like to get done before the end of the year. These projects are small and large, cheap and expensive. We My parents managed to get 3.5 projects completed last weekend.

My dad installed a new faucet in our mainlevel bathroom:

My half project that I accomplished was switching out the door hinges and knobs in my house. This includes changing about 14 sets of hinges and approximately 20 door knobs. I bought the door hinges but not the knobs yet. I started switching them out. The fresh brushed nickel looks so much better than the rusty gold. I will be glad when the door knobs are done too!

My dad installed a new light in our dining room:


New Light:

I bought a bunch of lawn tools that I needed to get my yard in shape. I bought a leaf blower/vacuum, hedge trimmer and weed wacker. I had been using my parents' but I figured it was about time to return those items to them. Also, Menards was clearencing out some items. Also, these new tools I can actually start within the first three times. This alone is a Fall To Do List item because of course I had to research the heck out of what I wanted on top of price comparisions at the local stores and on the internet.

I have lots more projects to do this Fall/Winter. New carpet for the bedrooms upstairs, new mailbox (already bought the supplies!), create the baby's nursery and so on. I know the time is going to fly by so I really hope I keep up the good progress and get these projects done before the end of the year!

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