Thursday, September 8, 2011

Thankful Thursday

I woke up this morning, and I really thought today was going to be a bad day. I read the Big Brother Blog and found out that one of my favorite players is being eliminated on tonight's episode. I had a hard time actually getting myself out of bed. I drove to work and noticed that my gas tank was nearly empty, and tried to stop at the Starbucks in Johnston but the line was so long I just continued on to work. I had to return a phone call to another attorney which I did on my way to work. That phone call consisted of the attorney basically telling me I was going to lose my hearing on Monday. At this point, it was only 8:30am.

I decided to stop in Ankeny to go to the Starbucks there. There were only three cars in front of me. I pulled up to the window and found that the lady in front of my kindly purchased my drink for me! Can you believe it?! That is the SECOND time that has happened to me! Why can't I have any luck on my lotto scratch tickets? Instead of celebrating my free cup of coffee I did decide to pay it forward and bought the person's drink behind me. Note: Next time you are going to do something generous find out how much it is going to cost you before you offer.

I decided I was going to turn my day around at that moment and so far I have tricked the world into having a good day!! Without this lady's generous act I would have given up on my day so early. I am thankful that there are people out there who still do random acts of kindness. Something so small really has changed my day today. I should consider more acts of kindness in the future! Stay tuned....

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