Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Do NOT drink the milk...

Tommy and I went to Sam's Club on Sunday. Somehow between getting Emi out of the car and immediately into bed and preparing for the week to come we managed to forget to unpack the car from our Sam's Club purchase. I rolled out of bed on Monday morning and looked at Tommy and said "Did we get the milk out of the car last night?" Notice the use of the word we. Tommy, thinking it was a rhetorical question, went downstairs and got the groceries out of the car and put them in the kitchen. I knew, I just knew that he would not have thrown the milk away... so I said.... "Did you put the milk in the fridge?" Tommy replied "Yes. Honey, when I lived in Mexico we never put the milk in the fridge. I think it's an American thing that just isn't necessary." And now, friends, you have been warned.

In other news, we give Emi formula not milk, so I'm not sure why she drinks her bottle like this:

It wasn't that the camera caught her while her foot was mid-air. Her foot was mid-air the entire time she sipped on that bottle. [Love her!]

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