Saturday, November 26, 2011

Asian Heritage

Most of you know (because I think I blogged about it and am mildly obsessed over it) that I have been trying to come up with a formula to determine the gender of an expectant baby. For me, both the heart rate (over 140 = girl; under 140 = boy) and the Chinese Birth Chart told me that I am having a girl. I had to alter the formula when my sister was pregnant and the heart rate was over 140 but the chart said boy. Easy enough. Chart trumps heart. I am somewhat concerned that this formula is not sound proof. I am anxiously awaiting to hear of a few friends who are expecting to find out if my formula needs to be altered. That is, what if one o my preggo friends finds out the chart is wrong?!

Problem solved!

Tommy and I are in Vegas right now. I was helping myself to some snacks in the gift shop when a nice Chinese Lady walked up to me and asked "When is the baby due?" I said February 4 (hoping if she was judging by the size of my stomach I added the exact date). She then asked "How old are you." I thought the question seemed a little personal, but I complied and told her I was 28. She then asked when I will be 29. I told her April. She said "Oh, how wonderful! You're having a girl!" What?! Did God himself send this Chinese lady to me to resolve my problems- I was curious so I told her about my sister. She is 31 now, will be 31 when the baby is born and the due date is March 27 (I think- its end of March- I"m a shitty Aunt- I digress). She said "Its a girl too!" I apologized to the Chinese lady that her formula was wrong. It is a boy. The lady then told me "She's not having the baby until April. Then it is a boy." I texted my sister with this wisdom, but I'm not sure she appreciates it as much as I do.

So here is the formula:

Add Mother's Age at birth to the month in which the baby is born. (January is 1, February 2, March 3, and so on). If this results in an even number (like me: 28 + 2 = 30) then it is a girl. If it results in an odd number then it is a boy. HOWEVER, if BOTH the baby and the mother's birthdays are after June then you must add 1. I was so glad she clarified this rule because Anthony was born August 3. Erin was 26 (turning 27 just 10 days later). 26 + 8 = 34. However, since they both have birthdays after June then I added the one to equal 35 to find it is a boy!!!!

Now that I spent all the time typing this blog I just calculated my sister and my birthdates with this predictor and realized that we are both boys.... Hmmm.... back to the drawing board.....

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