Wednesday, December 26, 2012

10 Things... Texas Driving

Here are ten things I noticed about Texas driving...

1. Nobody uses cruise control. I mean nobody.

2. Toll roads are so dumb. Can't I just stop at the toll booth, show you my tax return proving I pay taxes, and proceed without paying a toll? When is enough, enough?!?

3. It's easy to forget you are on an interstate because its totally common to come to a complete stop every few miles or so.

4. All interstates have highways that run parallel to the interstate. It is then from the highway that you exit/enter onto your roadway from the interstate. It's an extra step to getting on/off the interstate. It is supposed to be faster, but I can't tell a difference.

5. Nobody goes the speed limit. People are either ten over or ten under regardless of the surrounding traffic pattern.

6. The mile markers must not mark actual miles because it takes FOREVER to get anywhere- even when traveling at a high rate of speed! The marker will say I only traveled one mile when I swear I have gone three.

7. The left lane is never the fastest.

8. The road construction that was started in 2009 is still ongoing. Get these people some stimulus money!

9. Before every single bridge a sign reads "Bridge may be icy." Every. Single. Bridge. Yet, I have yet to encounter an icy bridge. Wouldn't they be better served just putting that question on the DMV test?

10. Did I mention it takes FOREVER to get anywhere?

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