Thursday, December 6, 2012

Thankful Thursday!

After hearing my series of bad news, a friend told me "You are surprisingly upbeat for everything that is going on right now." And for that, I am thankful.

I am thankful for the upcoming weekend. I hope to get lots of time in with my hubby and Emi.

I am thankful for the nights like last night when Emi wouldn't go down easy. She stood in her crib and screamed and cried. I would pick her up and instantly she would start snoring and fall asleep as I held her. I would then put her back down and she would wake up again. This happened a few times. Every once in awhile it is nice when your baby needs you. And its nice to take a few moments out of your day to spend that extra time with them.

Ironically, I'm kind of thankful that I haven't had any money over the past week since my purse was stolen. I have packed my lunch everyday. Not made any trips to Target, grocery store, or TJ Maxx. Every night we have eaten at home. We are saving so much money! And when my mom takes me out for lunch today she knows she has to buy! This is a good lesson that I can really live on much less money!

I'm thankful that my credit card is supposed to arrive in the mail today so that I can score the Pampers deal at Baby's R Us this weekend. $35 off two boxes of diapers! (Mom- my card wont come until after lunch so you still have to buy!) (Lesson learned- I want my money back!)

And after doing a home visit for three kids that I have been appointed as their attorney, I'm thankful to have a roof over my head, and the ability to pay for water to shower, and access to good health care. Its easy to forget the simple things to be thankful for!

I will be thankful if every reader takes time out of their day after reading this blog and thinks of five things to be thankful for! I bet it only takes a moment!

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