Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Funny Conversations...

My mom constantly calls Emi "Emi Lou." So often that the last time my mom said "Emi Sofia" Tony said "No, Grandma, it''s Emi Lou!"

Me to Tommy: "I don't think I'd make a good entertainment news journalist."
Tommy: "Why?"
Me: "Because when I am in court I don't think I am very articulate."
Tommy: "Well is the other attorney articulate?"
Me: "Not really."
Tommy: "Well then what's your point?"
Me: "That I wouldn't make a good entertainment news journalist."
Tommy: "Oh yah."

My client: "My husband's friend's wife went to law school with you and she says you're a bitch."
Me: "Well, I am."
Client: (silence).

1 comment:

  1. Can I add my own? Conversation in clinic the other day:
    Me: The only thing that makes her pain better is marijuana
    Staff Dr: So pot makes it better?
    Me: yes
    Patient (after we schedule her for surgery): so I should just keep doing what I've been doing for the pain?
    Staff: what have you been doing?
    Patient: Pot
    Staff: Yep!
