Thursday, October 25, 2012

Thankful Thursday

Perhaps you are starting to wonder if I am no longer thankful on Thursdays. I am. Maybe not as much as in the past this week, but I can always find something to be thankful for.

Lets give it a try:

I'm thankful for cute babies in skeleton jammies!

I'm thankful for quick babies who look so cute crawling. How sweet it is to be in one room with your baby and then have her follow you to the next. Emi is also getting pretty good on her feet which results in some hugs to me. They are more like unintentional hugs only not awkward.

I'm trying to be thankful for my new ipad. It is taking some getting used to. I did facetime for the first time the other night which was fun.

I'm thankful that tomorrow is Friday.

I'm thankful that when I woke up at 530am and couldn't fall asleep, my baby and husband didn't fuss when I woke them up, insisted they get ready for the day, and joined me for breakfast and HyVee. Unexpected moments like that the best even if it means Emi went to bed at 715pm tonight since she was up so early.

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