Saturday, January 14, 2012

Life Lesson

Life Lesson: Don't Judge a Book by the Cover

I specifically remember being taught this lesson in elementary school. I also specifically remember going into the library at Northwest Elementary and trying to ignore the book covers to choose a book to read (though I usually fell back on Boxcar Children or Ten Kids No Pets). Regardless, it was several years later when I really started to learn what exactly this lesson meant. As an attorney, I encounter a lot of people's personal information whether it be about their marriages, their finances, their mental health. I can tell you that things are never quite what they seem. Some people who appear to have it all really have nothing at all. And those who appear to have nothing are the richest people I know... whether it be rich with money, love or happiness.

Let me introduce you to somebody:

Do you know this guy? I sure don't. The only thing I know about this guy is that he judges a book by the cover. See, Tommy and I went out to dinner tonight as savoring our last moments as a family of two. I, of course, put on the nicest sweatpants I had, but I opted out of the makeup and jewelry. Tommy and I had the displeasure of sitting at a table next to him. This guy had a problem with Tommy and I the moment we sat down next to him. See, this guy couldn't get enough looks in at Tommy and I. 

While I'd like to think that he was looking over at us and thinking "what a lovely couple these two lovebirds make" or "God bless this young lady expecting a baby" or "I bet these two college graduates have good jobs and are contributing members of society" I believe by the looks he had on his face and comments made between him and his wife, none of those thoughts were going through his head. From what I can tell and hear, the guy was upset about my interracial relationship. He appeared even more unimpressed by my pregnancy and no wedding ring. And, my God, he nearly went into cardiac arrest when the bill came and I pulled out my credit card to pay the entire bill!

On some days I might let this guy get under my skin. The only thing I let these guy's looks do is maybe inappropriately take a photo of him to post on my blog. Mostly, I just feel bad for him. Little does he know what a wonderful person my husband is, what excitement and happiness we have for the arrival of our child and that we share a bank account in which the credit card gets paid.

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